Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Science in the 20th Century

Science in the 20th Century

20TH CENTURY Technology developed rapidly. Communication technology, transformation technology, broad teaching and implementation of scientific method and increased research spending all contributed to the advancement of modern science and technology.


  • Pierre Duhem 
  1. Hydrodynamics- is the study of liquid in motion specially it looks at the ways dfferent effect the movement of liquid
  2. Thermodynamics- physics with the relationships and conversion between heat and other forms of energy
  • Rudolf Carnap
  1. Logic
  2. Analysis
  3. Theory of Probability
  • Karl Popper
  1. Falsifiability- is the logical possibility than an assertion could be show false for the particular observation or physical experiment
  2. Scientific Method
  • Thomas Kuhn
  1. Paradigm shifts or " Revolutionary Science"
  • Werner Heisenberg
  1. Quantum Mechanics

 20th Century Time-line


  1. Zeppelins - Thomas Suillivan
  2. Neon Light - George Claude
  3. E=mc2 - Albert Einstein



  1. Crossword Puzzle - Wyne
  2.  Pop- up Toaster- Strite
  3.  Gas mask- Morgan



  1. Robot- Artificial life
  2. Penicillin -Flemming



  1. Photography- Edgerton
  2. Frozen Foo- Bird Eye
  3. Electron Microscope- Max Knott



  1. Jeep- Karl Pabst
  2. Microwave- Spencer



  1. Video Tape Recorder- Charles Ginsburge
  2. T.V. - John Logie Bard



Audio Cassette

  1. Space War - Video Game



  1. Floppy Disk
  2. Shugart
  3. Microprocessor - Faggin



  1. Mobile Phone

Dr. Martin Looper

  1. Computer- Charles Babage
  2. Dispossable Camera- Fuji


  1. World Wide Web (www)- Tim Lee
  2. Computer Language- Java

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